
해상 진동 시료채취기 ( #해저 시료채취 #해저 지반조사)

ystcha 2019. 7. 9. 10:20



해상 진동 시료채취기



영신컨설턴트 (02) 529 8803 2019.6 ystcha@naver.com





해저 지반조사는 수심 30m내 바지 위에서 하고 수심이 증가하면 해저 콘관입시험을 한다. 해저면 콘 관입시험기는 가격이 고가인 단점이 있다해저 진동시료 채취기는 상대적으로 저가이고 무게도 작아 작은 배위에서 수행이 가능하여 경제적으로 해저 지반의 시료를 채취할 수 있다.






해저 진동 시료 채취기 사양


변동 가능한 진동 주파수 Variable frequency of 5 50Hz

관입력 High power with up to 75kN thrust

관입깊이 1 12m modular construction (in 1m increments)

Rapid mobilisation with plug and play setup

Change barrels with the frame laid horizontally or vertically

2:1 mechanical advantage on lifting wire aiding barrel extraction

Quick barrel release system

300m - 7,000m depth rating available

Stable operation in up to 10 knot currents

High performance vibrocorer head 75kN 5Hz to 60Hz








시료 채취기의 심도별 무게




해저 시료 채취기 화면

Real time monitoring of barrel penetration allows the operator to maximise their operational time by knowing exactly when the required depth has been obtained or refusal has occurred.

Not only does real time penetration allow the operator to confirm penetration but it also shows the rate of penetration through the substrate. This helps to understand the structure of the seabed before the sample is even recovered.


Resolution: 0.01m (1cm)

Accuracy: 0.01m (1cm)

Sensor range: Configured to same length as barrel (1m sections)


Topside controller

The topside controller shows the engineer the information he needs to ensure an efficient, successful and safe deployment and operation.

The rugged top screen unit displaying and logging real time data from the system for the user, including:


Penetration distance and rate

Depth sensor


Settlement into seabed

Altitude from seabed

Frequency and power











The system is modular and very easy to use. It can be configured to collect cores from 1m to 12m long in 1m increments and is very quick to mobilise either onboard or on the quayside. The frame is made from common modules that can be quickly configured to collect the required core length.

이 시스템은 모듈 식으로 1m~12m 코어를 1m 단위로 구성 가능하므로 이동과 구성이 쉽다. 




시료 관