불포화토 흙수분 곡선 시험

ystcha 2019. 1. 17. 17:40

불포화토 흙수분 곡선 시험

영신컨설턴트 (02) 529 8803  2018.12

수두 Uwm는 모세관 직경 d에 반비례한다.
The water pressure, Uwm, at the back of the meniscus can be calculated by considering the vertical force equilibrium at the air-water interface where d is the diameter of the capillary and Ua is the air pressure

모세관 직경과 수두

contact angle for an ideal smooth, homogenous and non-deformable surface (=surface tension, sl= solid-liquid, sg= solid-gas, lg= liquid-gas). capillary rise of wetting fluid.


Working principle of axis translation technique 축전환기술의 원리

a 대기압이 0일때 - 간극수압 발생, b 막힌 관에서 공기압이 0보다 클때 + 간극수압 발생

폐색된 관에서 축전환기술의 원리

(a) Negative water pressure. 열린 관에서 간극수압 발생 (b) Positive water pressure in the short term. 막힌 관에서 공기압이 증가하면 + 간극수압 발생 (c) Positive water pressure in the long term.

Use of the axis translation technique to avoid metastable states.

TRIM System 공기압Ua 수압Uw 조절 장치 (Ua-Uw)

Transient Release and Imbibition Method (TRIM) for automated measurement of soil hydrologic properties.

The TRIM System is a simple-to-use laboratory device for measuring the soil-water retention curve (SWRC) and hydraulic conductivity function (HCF) of unsaturated soils in significantly less time than other approaches. The SWRC and HCF may be measured along either wetting or drying paths in as little as 5-7 days using either disturbed or undisturbed samples. The system may be operated in either steady-state mode or transient mode and is applicable for all major soil types, including sand, silts, and clays.

Precision flow cell with integrated high-air-entry base (300 kPa)

Bubble trap for quantifying diffused air volume

Automated monitoring of pore fluid outflow

Graphical user interface for automated data acquisition and post-processing

Wetting and drying SWRC and HCF

Integrated post processing software for data reduction and parameter analysis.

AUTO-RH System automated relative-humidity (auto-RH) control unit 상대습도 조절

Automated humidity control system for water vapor sorption isotherms and suction-controlled soil testing.



Calibration chamber adapted to auto-RH control unit for specimen

conditioning: (a) SWCC specimen and (b) triaxial specimen.

Produces humid gas stream at a user defined flow rate

Automatic algorithm to target and maintain humidity.

Humidity control along wetting or drying paths

Integrated high-precision RH/Temperature probe

Software with interface for automated data acquisition and control

Slope Cube Software 불포화토 사면 해석

Slope stability for saturated and unsaturated hillslopes

The Slope Cube (Slope Stress and Stability) module was developed as a supplemental module for the HYDRUS (2D) software package. The software simulates two-dimensional transient fields of soil moisture, soil suction, suction stress, total and effective stresses, and local factor of safety. The module is based on classical soil mechanics theories and uses the unified effective stress approach for saturated or unsaturated conditions (Lu et al., 2010). The module predicts spatially and temporally infiltration-induced landslide initiation and can carry out slope stability analysis under variably-saturated soil conditions. Transient moisture and suction fields are directly obtained using the HYDRUS-2D model, and are used to compute the effective stress field in hillslopes (Lu and Godt, 2013).