이방 응력 공진주 시험기
영신컨설턴트 (02) 529 8803 ystbender elements signal interpretation on quartz natural specimen used as calibration rod (FT, first time of arrival method; PP, peak-to-peak time of arrival method. Note that these results corresponded to input frequency of 10 kHz)cha@naver.com 2020 5
이방구속응력 압축 인장 상태에서 공진주 시험, 공진주 시험 후 큰 변형률 시험 가능
axial load of compression or extension to the specimen
Hardin Type Resonant Column Apparatus (H-RCA) is a system that allows samples to be tested in resonance while maintaining an anisotropic loading up to 2kN. 이방 구속응력 This is achieved by a slender, thin walled loading column passing through the drive system to the topcap. TOP CAP으로 연직응력 The GDS Hardin Oscillator contains an electro-magnetic drive system incorporating precision wound coils and composite sintered 회전력 GDS Hardin Oscillator can be mounted in a standalone system with an integral axial force actuator (shown opposite) for post resonance testing up to 5kN 공진주 시험 후 5 kN 연직하중 |
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The GDS head is designed such that the Hardin cell can be loaded beyond this value to 5kN or 50kN (depending on which system is chosen), allowing a full suite of triaxial tests to be performed to shearing post resonance. 공진주 시험 후 큰 변형률 시험
The 5kN max load system is neat because it has an actuator built into the top of the cell. The cell is a hybrid style cell that allows the cell wall to be lifted clear of the sample while the top-cap is supported in place for easy and accurate sample installation and alignment.
The 50kN version (using a traditional load frame) has the obvious benefit of the additional load that can be achieved post resonance, however it does not have the advantage of a hybrid cell and has a traditional removable cell top instead. resonance testing with Isotropic or Anisotropic Loading. Low stress torsional shear testing.
공진주 시험 변형률 영역
bender elements signal interpretation on quartz natural specimen used as calibration rod (FT, first time of arrival method; PP, peak-to-peak time of arrival method. Note that these results corresponded to input frequency of 10 kHz)
Typical resonant column test results on a carbonate sand using calibration exercise capturing the resonant frequency at variable pressures (note that each curve corresponded to a new calibration rod exercise)
Calibration exercise test results: apparatus rotational inertia against frequency (Senetakis & He (2017), modified by the authors)
등방 비등방 bender element 공진주 시험 비교
Verification tests on real soil specimens subjected to an isotropic or an anisotropic stress path
ASTM (2015). D4015-15: Standard test methods for modulus and damping of soils by fixed-base resonant-column devices. West Conshohocken, PA, USA: ASTM International.
Madhusudhan, B. & Senetakis, K. (2016). Evaluating use of resonant column in flexural mode for dynamic characterization of Bangalore sand. Soils Found. 56, No. 3, 574–580.
Payan, M., Khoshghalb, A., Senetakis, K. & Khalili, N. (2016).
Small-strain stiffness of sand subjected to stress anisotropy. Soil Dynamics Earthquake Engng 88, 143–151,