도로 벤켈만 빔 지지력 시험 Benkelman Beam(아스팔트 subgrade지층의 탄성비율 측정, 아스팔트 콘크리트 도로 포장의 지지력 평가)
도로 벤켈만 빔 지지력 시험 Benkelman Beam
영신컨설턴트 (02) 529 8803 ystcha@naver.com
아스팔트 콘크리트 도로 포장의 지지력 평가
시험방법 독일도로 연구소
the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) in the Working Paper 443 „Tragfhigkeit von Verkehrsflchenbefestigungen“ (Load-bearing capacity of road surface pavements), Part B 1 Benkelman Beams: „Gertebeschreibung, Messdurchfhrung“ (Device description, measurement execution), and Part C 1 Benkelman Beams: „Auswertung und Bewertung von Einsenkungsmessungen“ (Analysis and evaluation of subsidence measurements) (available from FGSV Publishing under no. 433 [in German]).
빠른 벤켈만 빔 지지력 시험 도로의 약한 영역을 선택하여 평판재하시험
5톤의 타이어 하중이 지나갈 때 연직변위 측정
the vertical deflection of the road surface is measured after a defined load of 5 tons has rolled away. It is a quasi-static procedure. The vertical deflection is recorded by a special measuring beam, which is mounted on a support frame that can be rotated at a ratio of 1:2.
A loaded vehicle with a dual tire rear axle and 5-ton wheel load is used for the defined load. The measuring tip of the Benkelman Beam at the end of the front lever arm is placed exactly in the middle between the dual tires and a dial gauge (or other device) is attached to the end of the rear lever of the beam to record the movement.
5톤의 타이어 하중이 지나갈 때 타이어사이의 연직 변위 측정
2개 연직변위 측정 Dual-Gauge Benkelman Beam
The Benkelman Beam is available in two versions: a classic variant with one dial gauge and the dual-gauge variant. With the dual-gauge variant, an additional point of the deformation trough is recorded (at a distance of approx. 50 cm from the first point). This allows conclusions to be drawn about the deformation modulus of the subgrade in addition to the modulus of the asphalt layer.
It has a built-in mini printer with which small test reports can be output on the construction site. The internal NiMH battery is fast rechargeable (< 2 hours charging time) and allows continuous operation for up to 35 hours. The measuring case is equipped with a surface thermometer which is permanently mounted under the front. The measurements can also be stored on an SD card. The data of a measurement series are continuously saved to a file, so that they can be further processed later, for example with Excel.
시험평가 아스팔트 subgrade지층의 탄성비율 측정
The measurement is evaluated according to the Mller method.
The equivalent deformation moduli E e,W (equivalent modulus of elasticity of the subgrade) and E e,R (equivalent modulus of elasticity of the asphalt) are calculated. The stiffness ratio k (E e,R / E e,W ) can be used to draw conclusions about the quality of the subgrade and the asphalt layer:
k<1: Subgrade has high bearing capacity and/or poor asphalt
k=5..10: Thick/very hard asphalt