암석 가스 투수시험 steady state liquid & gas permeameter(가스 하이드래이트 석유탐사 암반투수)

ystcha 2019. 1. 3. 14:32

암석 가스 투수시험 steady state liquid & gas permeameter


영신컨설턴트 (02) 529 8803 2018.12


가스 하이드래이트, 석유 탐사 시 암반의 투수와 가스 투수 시험


Flow control system (Upstream)

Core holder

Confining pressure control system

Back pressure control system

Heating system

Differential pressure manifold

Automated data acquisition


Flow control system (Upstream)


Gas Regulator 가스 압력 조절기

Maximum Pressure 5,000 psi (1psi = 6.894733kPa)

Gas mass flow meter

Maximum Pressure: 4,500 psi

Flow range (ml/m N2 eq. rating) 0-600 ml/min

Accuracy (below 360 ml/m): 0.2% FS

Accuracy (above 360 ml/m): 1.0% FS


Dual piston syringe pump 수압 조절기:

Pressure rating: 10,000 psi

Wetted materials: Stainless Steel

Maximum flow rate: 100 ml/min

Minimum flow rate: 0.00001 ml/min

Cylinder Volume: 20 ml

core holder specification

Maximum confining pressure: 10,000 psi

Sample diameter 2.0”

Sample length (Max): 8”

Seal material: Viton

Material, pore fluid wetted parts: Stainless Steel

Pressure rating, pore fluid parts: 10,000 psi



This system provides capability to pressurize the core holder with confining fluid. A large dial pressure gauge gives the operator a visual indication of confining pressure in the system at all times. Pressure transducers allow the confining pressure to be monitored by the data acquisition system.


Pressure is generated by means of a high pressure hand operated pump. 수동유압펌프


The confining pressure system is protected from over pressure by means of a burst disk

Maximum confining pressure: 10,000 psi

Wetted parts: Stainless Steel

system back pressure 배압조절기

The system back pressure is automatically controlled by means of a dome-loaded back

pressure regulator with stainless steel wetted parts. The dome-loaded regulator has relatively large orifices to help it be as insensitive as possible to fines that are produced by flow through the core. Back pressure in the system is set by pressure applied to the dome of the back pressure regulator. This pressure is provided by gas pressure from a customer provided bottle. An optional gas booster can be provided to boost gas pressure to 10,000 psi.


Dome Loaded Back Pressure Regulator:

Maximum Pressure: 10,000 psi

Wetted parts materials: Stainless Steel



온도 조절

The system is provided with a silicon rubber heater for heating the core holder to reservoir temperatures. The jacket temperature is controlled by a PM6 controller and uses feedback from the embedded TC in the silicon rubber jacket. 

Maximum Temperature: 130 C



differential pressure manifold 차등압력

A differential pressure manifold provides the capability to monitor differential pressure up to 200 psi. Differential pressure is measured by a high accuracy (0.1% FS) differential pressure transducer incorporated into a differential pressure manifold. This manifold is provided with a manual bypass valve to allow for zeroing the transducer and relieving potentially dangerous high differential pressure.


Differential Pressure Transducer Standard manifold

Pressure range: 0-200 psi

Maximum absolute pressure: 10,000 psi

Accuracy (% full scale) 0.1%


측정 저장 장치

Test system data that is acquired by the data acquisition system include:

Confining Pressure

Gas flow rate

Liquid Flow rate and syringe pump pressure

Differential pressure


A number of calculated values are also displayed in real time to the operator

Instantaneous permeability of fluid in the core sample