GDS 압밀시험기
GDS 압밀시험기
영신컨설턴트 (02) 529 8803 2012 9
1. 재래식 자동압밀 장치
로드셀과 변위계 측정장치가 내장되어 기계식으로 단계하중 증가 측정 저장.
단계하중 재하에 따른 인력비을 절감 할 수 있다.
시료 규격에 따른 응력 Sample size v max stress: • 38mm (27000kPa) • 50mm (5000kPa) • 63.50mm (3000kPa) • 71.40mm (2500kPa) • 75mm (2200kPa) • 100mm (1250kPa) • 112.8mm (1000kPa) |
•. Displacement resolution/accuracy: 0.0003mm, 0.15% (0.030mm)
•. Load resolution/accuracy: 0.0003kN, 0.15% (0.030mm)
•. Consolidation range: 19.5mm to 4.5mm (15mm)
•. Compatible Cell Types: Fixed ring, floating ring, fixed ring permability
•. Height from base to Top Plate: 180mm
•. Height from base to lift plate operating position: 225mm
•. Max height from base to top of columns: 408mm
2 channel data acquisition: •. Load via built in load cell •. Displacement
최대하중 •. 10kN (1 ton) 하부 규격 •. 220mm (width) x 190mm
제어 측정 : GDSLAB과 Remote Keypad GDS Smart Keypad
2. GDS Constant Rate of Strain Cell (CRS) 정변위 압밀시험
ASTM D 4186-06 one dimensional consolidation controlled strain loading
삼축 Load frame에서 삼축셀을 빼고 설치, 간극수압 back pressure을 가 할 수 있다.
Pressure Cell 1MPa Maximum Load 50kN Cell sample sizes (1MPa Cell) 38mm 50mm 70mm 100mm 150mm 1. load frame 2. load cell 3. 변위 4. 간극수압측정 5. back pressure |
정변형율 strain rate strain/s en = (ΔHn+1 - Δ Hn-1) / Ho x 1/( tn+1 - tn-1)
hydraulic conductivity m/sec Kn = (en . Hn . Hm. γw) / (2. Δum.n 10000)
volume compressibility Mv = ( en+1 - en-1) / ( σ'n+1 - σ' n-1) . 1/100
coefficient of consolidation Cv = kn / (mv.n . γw)
3. GDS Rowe and Barden cell
- 구성
Rowe and Barden cell sample sizes
50mm 63.5mm 70mm 76.2mm 100mm
Axial or back pressure ranges
500kPa 2000kPa 1000kPa 3500kPa
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